1-800-717-7076 info@cantechservices.com 1750 Steeles Avenue West, Suite 205, Concord, ON L4K 2L7


We know that finding a job can be a full-time job in itself, so let us be your eyes in the job market. Our impressive roster of some of the best employers around, who share our quality standards, our values and our passion, will allow us to match you with opportunities. We want the best candidates and the best clients, which for us go hand in hand, and we won’t settle for anything less.


Permanent: full-time employment
Contract: employee, self-employed, incorporated
Payroll, deductions, tax, and T4’s taken care of for you
Access to multiple employment opportunities
Ongoing job seeking on your behalf


How often do I get paid?
You will be paid on a weekly basis, every Thursday.

How do I submit my payroll hours?
You may report your hours using a timesheet that you fax or email to Can-Tech, or use the online timekeeping system. The submission process used will depend on the client you are working for at the time.
If I live in Canada but my services are required in the U.S., can I work there?
Yes. We will assist you in preparing all the necessary documents in order to accept an opportunity in the United States.
How long do contract assignments last?
The duration of work assignments will vary, depending on the employer and the type of project or assignment you have been hired to work on. Contracts can be anywhere from 2 months to 4 years and beyond.
How much do I have to pay Can-Tech to find a job for me?
Nothing. You do not have to pay Can-Tech for the services provided.
Does Can-Tech have a minimum age requirement to work?
Yes. You must be 18 years of age or older.
How do I contact Can-Tech?
Phone: 416.360.0926 (toll free: 1.800.717.7076) or by fax at: 416.360.0521
Location: 1750 Steeles Avenue West, Suite 205, Concord, Ontario, L4K 2L7
Website: www.cantechservices.com